
In November 2017, I started writing my master thesis in the Computer Engineering Group at ETH Zürich. My thesis - officially titled “Event-based Geophone Platform with Co-detection” - is about developing a new, state-of-the-art networked sensor platform focusing on sensing micro-seismic activities to provide early warnings for natural hazard mitigation. Beside extensive research and collaboration with the Department of Geography at University of Zürich, my work included advanced hardware design from scratch and embedded software development.

After developing the first prototypes, initial field experiments were conducted which showed remarkably great results. Consequently, after finalizing every detail, the device went into production state, and currently 50 pieces were manufactured. I am extremely proud that a device which I developed and built from scratch within just 6 months were manufactured in those numbers and being deployed and used this summer in the Swiss mountains.


In May 2018, the geophone platform was featured on SRF Einstein (Swiss TV show). The part of the episode, titled “Forschung extrem: Datensammeln im Permafrost” introduces the geophone platform that I’ve developed alongside with the wireless sensor network deployed and operated in the Swiss mountains.

Watch the video


Major hardware features

Major software features


Please note that the file size of full report is approximately 19MB, thus it may take some time to download.

Read the report


Event-​triggered natural hazard monitoring with convolutional neural networks on the edge

Authors: Matthias Meyer, Timo Farei-​Campagna, Akos Pasztor, Reto Da Forno, Tonio Gsell, Jérome Faillettaz, Andreas Vieli, Samuel Weber, Jan Beutel and Lothar Thiele
Publication: 18th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), April 16-18, 2019, Pages 73–84
DOI: 10.1145/3302506.3310390

How many climb the matterhorn? (Demo abstract)

Authors: Matthias Meyer, Timo Farei-​Campagna, Akos Pasztor, Reto Da Forno, Jan Beutel and Lothar Thiele
Publication: 18th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), April 16-18, 2019, Pages 350–351
DOI: 10.1145/3302506.3312488

Event-​triggered Geophone Platform for Co-​Detection of Seismic Events

Authors: Matthias Meyer, Timo Farei-​Campagna, Akos Pasztor, Reto Da Forno, Tonio Gsell, Samuel Weber, Jérome Failletaz, Andreas Vieli, Jan Beutel and Lothar Thiele
Publication: EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, April 7-12, 2019
DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000340844


Geophone PCB screenshot Geophone PCB bare Geophone development Geophone PCB top 4 Geophone PCB top 2 Geophone PCB top 3 Geophone PCB field test 1 Geophone PCB field test 2 Geophone PCB top 1 Geophone PCB production 1 Geophone PCB production 2 Geophone PCB production 3